Behaviour bribery - The Morning Show, Ch 7
How to help your child overcome shyness - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Spotting anxiety symptoms in kids - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Advice for parents on disciplining their children - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Spotlight on ‘sextortion’ - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Panda parenting - The Morning Show, Ch 7
How to talk to teens about pornography - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Teenagers and tipples - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Snowplow parenting - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Debating co-ed vs single-sex schooling - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Christmas conflict - The Morning Show, Ch 7
Parent politics & playground bullying - The Morning Show, Ch 7
How to survive your daughter’s teenage years - The Morning Show, Ch 7
I’m 32 and still fight with my mum - The Today Show
She’s all that - The Project NZ